Top 5 Prom Proposals on YouTube
Posted by The Nerdiot on May 17th, 2014

Top 5 Prom Proposals on YouTube, this is a list of my 5 favorite prom proposals. From sappy, to clever to completely strange these promposals are great. Back when I was in high school all I got was fatherly advice on how to ask a girl out, which needless to say wasn’t that great. These guys have taken it to a whole new level and thought outside the box. Congrats to them on their dates.
Trying out for a dance class to ask girl to prom
This was actually really well thought out and adorable. Great job at putting this together!
Romeo take her somewhere she can be alone..
So cute, but not sure exactly how or why. I guess his friends were maybe trying to make a music video that she thought she was helping with. Either way, this was so cool.
All he needed was a beauty and a beat.
It’s amazing what can be done in highschool, especially with a little help from your friends..
Boy Bands.. So many Boy Bands!!
This makes me wish I had friends in high school who could sing. I’m sure this wasn’t inspired by One Direction at all, but awesome none the less.
“I was born to go to prom with you”
How perfectly titles, and how awesome is this. probably my favorite on the list.
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