Games with Gold June 2014

Click here to enter our Games with Gold July Contest!
Will Games with Gold be ending anytime soon? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT!
It’s now May, and we know our titles for the month. Dust: An Elysian Tail and Saint’s Row: The Third, but what will June bring us? Was anyone disappointed with the games this month? For me they didn’t seem to be that bad, but what will Games with Gold June 2014 have in store?
Each month we’re going to hold a contest for our site users, if you can correctly guess the 2 games with gold games for the next month, in this case for the games with JUNE, then you will win a large prize from If no one correctly guesses the games, then 3 people will be chosen randomly and will receive a gift from
So for June, What do you think the two games will be? Leave your guesses in the comment section below, remember to only guess two games.
Just a couple tips from the past, remember to try to include one XBLA(Xbox Live Arcade) and one GoD(Game on Demand) game. The pattern seems to be that each month, there is one arcade game and one game that is on the marketplace. Try to avoid games that are fairly new, I think games like Grand Theft Auto 5, the newest installment in the Assassins Creed series, and other games that have just recently been released will probably not be free any time soon. It looks like for the most part they choose games for the non-arcade game that are under $20 USD. Keep in mind also that there are rumor sites out there, as the rumors pop up we will include them on here with gameplay videos and reviews.
Forza Motorsport 4
Castle Crushers
i think cod world at war and fifa 13
I think it will be blackops 1 or castle miner z
i think prince of persia and infamous 2
Infamous 2 is Playstation only, mate
That’s playstation 3 for infamous 2
Spelunky and Fallout New Vegas.
I’m gonna guess Darksiders 2 and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD
I think Blazblue and Braid.
BF2 and Cod WaW
battle field 2 and castlestorm
I think terraria and borderlands
Bioshock Infinite and Halo Spartan Assault
Dead space , sonic adventure 2
My guess is Braid and Arkham Asylum.
Tomb Raider (2013) and Terraria.
Motocross mandess and need for speed most wanted 2
worms revolution
dead space
Portal 2 and Quantum Conundrum.
worms 2 and trials hd
just cause 2 and torchlight
far cry 3 and limbo
i think Army of Two and Bastion
Just Cause 2 and Castle Crashers
Bully Scholarship edition
some old game and a crappy arcade title
just cause 2 and Marvel vs capcom 2
state of decay and batman arkham asylum
just cause 2 and torchlight
i think it´s going to be just cause 2 and marvel vs capcom 2
Sanctum 2
Dragon Age Origins
Viva piñata, State Of Decay
Just Cause 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
dead space
Just cause 2
Just Cause 2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Just Cause 2 and Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Just cause 2 and marvel vs capcom 2.
If the games are right but not the dates does it still count?
Dark Souls
Yes, you don’t have to pick the game for the exact date, as long as it’s the two games for the month
just cause 2 and maybe marvel vs capcom 2
Just Caused 2
dark souls and banjo-kazooie
max payne 3 y assassins creed revelations
Just cause 2. Marvel vs capcom 3
Just Cause 2 and Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Just cause 2
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
6/1/14 Just cause 2
6/16/14 marvel vs capcom 2.
Marvel VS capcom 2
Fifa 13
Just Cause 2 & TES IV Oblivion
Just cause 2
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
i hope it’s not “child of light” because i just bought it on steam, but knowing my luck … =/
Borderlands 1
Would be good
Just Cause 2 and Marvel vs Capcom 2
Just Cause 2 and Marvel vs Capcom 2
Just caused 2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Just cause 2
Just cause 2 and Marvel vs capcom 2
Left 4 Dead 2 and Trials Evolution.
Nightmare before Christmas: oogies revenge and dead island: riptide
I would honestly love to see the Nightmare before christmas game, even though it’s out of season(which is this movie ever really out of season?!). That is an awesome guess though. Even though you changed your mind on it, which is ok, I still would love it if they gave this one out
I changed my mind, not nightmare before Christmas but fable heroes
Just cause 2 and marvel vs capcom 2
I really want cod 4 though XD
cod4 is probably more likely than Marvel vs Capcom 2, I don’t think we’re going to see what that list of “leaked” games is going to promise. In fact we’ve pretty much discovered that it’s false. However, we won’t know FOR SURE until June 1st.(well a little sooner actually)
I think cod waw or cod black ops then so crappy arcade game no one heard of before
Puzzle quest and cod mw3
I’m guessing Dark Souls and Charlie Murder!
(With a bonus of “Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition!)
FINALLY SOMEONE WHO GOT IT RIGHT,You could find out from the xbox blog DUH!
Dark souls,Marvel vs Capcom 2
Just so you’re aware, I had to end the contest early. They announced June’s games almost a week ago. We’re getting Dark souls, Charlie Murder and a 3rd bonus game: Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. Unfortunetly I had to end the contest because they made this annoucement, however I will be making it up to the people who have entered and based on the next month, if they’re still not announcing the games until the 1st of the month(which I doubt they will do this now)I’ll find out the date that they are announcing the games and run the contest for 30 days prior to that day so we can keep the contest going.
Duke Nukem Doom II
srry didn’t know you ended the contest whoops guess I will save mine and guess next time srry again
no worries, I’m going to start the contest for July in about 2 days, so check back soon and enter then
super street fighter iv :arcade addition
Charlie murder
dark Souls Charlie Murder and super street fighter iv
dark souls and street fighter 4
Dark souls
Charlie murderer
Street fighter
Black ops 1 and castle crashera
Castle Crashers
Xbox one:
Max- The Curse of Brotherhood
Halo- Spartan Assault
Xbox 360(1 extra game for 1 year anniversary):
Dark Souls
Charlie Murder
Bonus for Xbox 360:
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
Well…it would be REALLY good if was gears of war 2 or 3 and yu-gi-oh millenium duels i just hope that at least one of this games become free for gold one day… and theres never gonna have any COD for free becose activision is a shitty game producer that just want to fuck everybody… I HATE THEN
Dark Souls and Limbo
Borderlands and Trials
Halo wars
Castle crashers
Darksouls,street fighter 4 arcade addition,and charlie murder
dark souls and charlie murder
I think mortal kombat and trials fusion
Dark souls and Charlie murder
Gears of war three or judgement
Prefer gears 3
Black light tango down
Dark Souls Charlie Murder
Dark Souls
Charlie Murder
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
Dark Souls and hopefully Charlie Murder.
Darks Souls
Charlie Murder
and as a little extra, since this may be their last month, microsoft may add in Street Fighter IV
You know this won’t be their last month, also I actually ended this contest(read the top of the page) about 2 weeks ago when they made the annoucement. Here’s the thing though, games with gold is expected to last at least another year(until june 2015) and is now going to be include an xbox 1 game as well. So for it being their last month, the “little extra” they’re putting in is just a bonus for the new changes that are coming. so no worries on GwG ending any time soon =)
Battlefield 3 (if it’s free for the pc, it might get to be free for xbox as well)