Games with Gold May 2014 Entry List

Click here to enter the contest for June’s “Guess the Games with Gold” contest!
UPDATE: April 30th - No one guessed the correct games, however I am going to throw everyone into a database and randomly pick 3 people. Each person will be getting a gift from Remember to check back and see if your name is on the list. If you didn’t supply an email address it may make things difficult to determine that you are really the real person who wrote the comment. But I have ways to validate =). I will be posting the winners during the first week of May! and our new contest will be starting up on May 1st as well.
Here’s our guesses so far for the Games with Gold May 2014:
Davie: Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga and Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
Sophia: Modern Warfare 2 and Castle Crashers
Michael Cohn: Dead Island: Riptide and Batman: Arkham Asylum
Koffin: Hitman: Absolution and Terarria
Amanda: Borderlands and Red Dead Redemption
David Fowler: Command And Conquer and Call of Duty 3
Yousef: Modern Warfare 3 and Trials
Scruffy_Bunny: Blur and Terraria
JohnS98: Forza Motorsport 2 and Joy Ride Turbo
Shadow Pandora: Alan Wake and Mark of the Ninja
NameRequired: OrangeBox and Farcry 3
Alex L: Dead Island: Riptide and The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
R0n: GTA 4 and Halo ODST
Johnathon: GTA 4 and ‘splosion Man
Mac And Sonic: The Amazing Spiderman and Sonic Adventures 2
It’s me(?): Orange Box and Dynasty Warriors 8
Luke: Farcry 2 and IlloMilo
Jeremy Marshall: Just Cause 2 and State of Decay
noomed: Burnout Paradise and Joy ride
Danny: Mass Effect and The Cave
Dalzii: Fable 3 and White Noise online - Although Fable 3 was already done =(
kushpiffnsip: Sacred 2 and Trails HD
kamil: Assassins Creed Brotherhood and Need For Speed
Ewan: Red Dead Redemption and Skryim
Cody: Red Dead Redemption and Fallout 3
Kim: Assassins Creed 2 and Castle Crashers
Devin: Devil May Cry 4 and Final Fantasy 13-2
David MAdden: Arkham Asylum and Left 4 Dead 2
Reece Draper: Red Dead Redemption and Trials HD
dakota bischoff: Army of two and Medal of Honor Airborne
Hobison: Batman Arkham Asylum and Dungeons and Dragons
Anime Takashi: The Walking Dead Survival Instinct and Modern Warfare 3
redwolf: State of Decay and GTA 4
Dr.Funkenstein: Limbo and Mass Effect 1
Harvey: GTA V and Aliens Colonial Marines
atrujano10: Darksiders and Portal
Undeadmatrix: Dead Island Riptitde and Splinter cell Blacklist
Antonia Vazquez: Farcry 3 and Injustice Gods Among Us
Matthew: Farcry 3 and Modern Warfare 2
Jake : Dark Souls and Trials Evolution
Tyler Stephens : Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and Trials HD
Robo Rabbit : Mass Effect and Shadow Complex
Ian: Bioshock Infinate and Minecraft
Ozzy: Left 4 Dead 2 and State of Decay
Finn: Dishonored and State of Decay
Gamer Dude: GTAV and Red Dead Redemption
Likwid: Minecraft and Farcry
Allen: Fallout: New Vegas and State of Decay
Joe Andrew: Def Jam Icon and NBA Street Homecourt
Caleb: Arkham Asylum and Call of duty 2
B-Bob-Joe69: Skyrim and Castle crashers
Scai2k: Trails HD and Mirrors Edge
Lochlann: Spelunky and Bioshock
Dean: GTA San Andreas and Saints Row the Third
Dark Souls & DarkSiders
Dead Rising 2: off the record & State of Decay.
Halo wars and castle crashers
Are you serious? Or 12?
Just Cause 2 and Torchlight.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (or IV: Oblivion) & Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas would be awesome.
Resident evil revelation
Resident evil revelation and batman arkham origin blackgate de
GTA V? seriously people?
I’d say Blur and Portal. Need. More. Split-screen.
Dust: An Elysian Tale (XBLA) is rumored to be one of them.
The rumored games are listed here Dust is one, and the other rumored XBLA arcade game is Skulls of the Shogun, which will make me pretty disappointed.
I don’t see my name (noknives4me) in the list!~ How are you going to pick me?
Also…is it true that June is the last month for the free games with Gold?
I’ll have the entire list complete soon, I have to fan through all the comments to make sure I get everyone, so everyone has a chance =)
Also, I don’t think Games for gold is going to end in June, they said it was going to be a permanent perk. There are people starting rumors but microsoft would put up the information in their Terms and Conditions, which currently state:
Before they announced that it was going to be permanent, that spot on at the bottom of the page stated that the Games with Gold perk was going to end on a specific date, they have since removed that and replaced it with the above.
Stay on here, I’ll update if anything changes.
The Games with Gold perk may actually end at the end of this year, as that does state this:
This could be a huge disappointment if they do end at the end of 2014, but I don’t see it happening.
no no
The amazing Spider-Man please that’s gonna be a game a lot of people r gonna want to get for free and and borderlands I have a leat 30 friends who want that game for free because they can’t find it I hope for May they have those to. Oh and for Spider-Man they should do it because the movie is coming out next week can’t wait to watch and can’t wait to see what games they put for us
call of duty black ops and state of decay
battlefield 3 and gta iv
I don’t see why people are voting for two full games. It’s practically always been GOD and then Arcade title and I think it’ll continue to stay that way. It makes sense, especially for those that still have a 4gb console.
As for Halo games, I think they’d be smart to wait for June or whenever the new TV series launches and give away ODST (or Reach or Halo Wars or even CE:A) then.
Granted, it’s easy to point out what won’t so I’d guess Dust and I’ll take a huge stab in the dark here with Forza 3.
First line
Moral Combat LOL!!
lol, that’s what I get for copying and pasting =P
A lot of those games have already been offered through “Games With Gold.” Here’s something to remember: if you can figure out which game is next, you can download it for free a few days before it comes out on “Games With Gold.” You’ll know you’ve got the right one because the price will be “free” if you haven’t already bought it off Xbox Live. I read this on a forum and tried it out with “Deadlight” and sure enough it worked.
day 01- Resident Evil 6, Assassin’s Creed, Dark Souls or GTA IV: The Lost And Danmed/The Ballad Of Gay Tony
day 15- Minecraft, Terraria, Dust:An Elysian Tail or Tom Clancy: Rainbow six Vegas II
Viva Pinata/Splosion Man
battlestations pacific