Worst “NERD” tattoos.. EVER


I’ve searched all over for my top 10 worst tattoos.. ever. During this journey through the weird and completely unbelievable. I had found some amazing tattoos, there are tattoos that I would consider getting without any hesitation. However, in this case, I would beg for my money back or wear thick clothing for the rest of my life if I ended up with any of these.


1. Half Spiderman, Half Peter Parker


I don’t have too much of an issue with this.. other than placement. Why on the side of your neck? Of all places..


2. Boba Fett circa 1979


I’m not quite sure if it’s a pimp or a nipple, but either way I would not get a tattoo that looks like a child drew it.


3. Slave Leia and Jabba the Hutt

Not quite sure what to say.. Leia looks like a very muscular man. And are those flames in the back?


4. Harley Quinn


This isn’t too bad, except that face. I know we can’t see her whole face, but seriously she is one ugly version.


5. Spiderman


How do you explain Spiderman crawling up your face at your next job interview?


6. Leia - Your my only hope.


First of all, She looks nothing like Leia. Second, if you’re going to mark your body make sure you know the difference between Your and You’re..


7. The WORST Joker


So when you’re with your new girlfriend and you take your shirt off for the first time.. and she sees this. What do you think is gonna happen?



Hm. Maybe the scarecrow on the other arm?


9. Cat Woman


I’m not sure if that’s a sack of cash she’s running away with or what but I know one thing.. Those are some awful looking goggles.


10. Wolverine on a PONY..

Why wouldn’t anyone want this?

One Response to “Worst “NERD” tattoos.. EVER”

  1. I really like your site!

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