Happy Birthday Batman! (a little bit of Bat Worship!)


Batman. Possibly the most well known super hero in the history of the universe is 75. He has been protecting Gotham city and appearing in comic books for 75 glorious years. He first appeared in Detective Comics issue 27 in May of 1939. Batman has been with us ever since.

Batman stories have inspired us to be better people, gave some of us the strength we needed to get through the hard times in our lives, entertained us and at times even made us laugh (I’m looking at you Adam West) I think we all owe him a little something.  Like many dedicated comic readers I let slip a tear with the Dark Knight when his son Damien died in his arms just over a year ago. We followed him through his grief and recovery in the ‘Batman and’ title and followed his first year in the ‘Year Zero’ story ark. I know Batman better than I know most people.

Batman is more than a comic book character or a household name. For many comics book readers, movie goers and children who want to be heroes Batman is a legend and an example of how great we can be if we work hard, stay steely and do the right thing.  You should always try and be Batman.

I believe that so much that I even had that sentiment tattooed on my wrist.

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I can think of no character that has had the same appeal as Batman across 75 years, every culture and age group. Everyone Loves Batman. No matter what you think of Ben Affleck or any of the other actors who have or will  play him on screen you watch the movies. no matter if its Snyder or Morrison you have read his stories and I’m betting even day dreamed once or twice about the caped crusader. The God Damned Batman is awesome.


I guess all that’s left to say is Happy Birthday Bruce. I cant wait for the next 75 years!

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  1. batman arkham knight walkthrough

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