My Top 10 Horror Movies on NetFlix

I spend A LOT of time on NetFlix, in fact since they’ve been adding content pretty continuously I’ve been addicted. Watching hundreds of hours worth of horror movie, I decided to put together a list of my favorites. I’m ready to take the criticism on my choices, So here are my top 10 favorite Horror movies on Netflix!
Not really scary, but really entertaining, leaves you waiting for part 3 though, so BEWARE!
I’m still stuck on this, since it was added I’ve watched it a few times and still love it when Mike chucks the map into the water.
Despite the cheesy acting, it’s actually pretty good. Recommended for sure!
HUGE fan of the first 2, and the third was just as good. Stayed true to what the movies are.
Growing up with movie I’ve always enjoyed it. The tasty ooze that turns people into something “else”.
Another cheesy older movie, but if you’re looking for something entertaining, check this out. George Wendt is really funny, and the story is fantastic.
Nervous about this when it came out, but with it on Netflix, it’s turned into an every week watch.
This is probably one of the best IFC movies I’ve seen in a while, read my review here
I’m ready for the grief, but I think these movies are progressively getting better, and this one was excellent. Brings more to the story. Can’t wait for 5 now!
This is the horror movie I’ve been waiting for, taking everything I love from horror films as a kid and rolling it into one big ball with a HUGE surprise at the end! A MUST SEE.
What are your favorite horror films on Netflix? Let us know in the comments below!