The Toxic Avenger Remake

Arnold WILL be in the Toxic Avenger remake. For those who may not remember, The Toxic Avenger was an 80′s comedy/horror/action movie about a nerdy little mop boy who falls into a vat of toxic waste turning into the slimey tu-tu wearing super hero, The Toxic Avenger. Weilding a mop, fighting evil and banging hot chicks, this is 80′s cheese ball movies at it’s best and now it’s going to be remade with Arnold Schwarzenegger starring in it.
This doesn’t mean he will be the toxic avenger himself, it is rumored that he will be playing a character named “The Exterminator” who is a former black ops agent who trains toxie to use his powers for good. Now I’m excited.. lol I kid I kid, this is destined to be a modern B-flick.
Check out this trailer to the cult classic from 1986