Free Comic Book Day 2014

For those who don’t know, every year the first Saturday of May is Free Comic Book Day. On this day you can wonder into any comic book retailer’s store and receive some comic books, for free. The idea of FCBD is to promote comics as an entertainment form and to draw attention to those stores that desperately need your foot traffic.
This years prize books, the ones that Most people were going after seemed to be The Guardians of the Galaxy and Rocket Raccoon and with that Guardians Movie being so anticipated at the moment I can’t say that I am surprised that these were the titles that people wanted. What I did think was interesting was how little attention the DC Book was getting, it was called Futures End and is a prelude to a DC event of the same name that is starting this Wednesday in one of the stores that I visited today it was almost ignored by people who were just not picking it up from the table. Possibly mirroring the current trends in sales?
As usual the atmosphere was great and everyone was hanging out in the stores chatting about comics and there were more than a few Cos-players in the mix. There was less of a frenzied vibe to the day this year than last but just as many people turned up. I think this may have to do with the better organisation at the larger of the stores that I visited. I was actually hoping to pick up the latest Justice League Hard Cover while I was in Birmingham but there were so many people that it was not convenient to actually shop. This does make me wonder if the stores see any increased revenue from the event over all.
I would say that Guardians of the Galaxy was by far the book that marvel readers should have grabbed as a priority because it gives some context to Agent Venom being a member of the Guardians team (See this months issue for that unexplained little bombshell) The title also has the first taste of the Original Graphic Novel ‘Thanos: The Infinity Revelation’ and a little slice of Spider-Man 1 Point 1. Although the book doesn’t have me as hyped up as last years Infinity preview its probably more important to the continuity of things than it has been in previous years.
Rocket Raccoon’s book titled only as Issue 1 according to the cover is a very cartoon looking experience that I haven’t sat down and read properly yet but I can tell you that is visually pleasing in the same way that DC’s ‘Lil Gotham’ series was and it contains two self contained stories, one of them has Spider-Man in it, so I assume its brilliant.
As for The other titles I picked up, I really can not comment as I have had very little time to sit and read them but there is a good mix of indie titles that I’ll review properly when I get the time over the next few days. That and I may have to dedicate a whole post to DC’s Futures End because I have a feeling that its going to be good because of how low key the event’s ‘run up’ as been.
Also, today I met someone out and about his names Tony, here’s a picture of us.