Games With Gold April 2014 Xbox 360

Hitman: Absolution is FREE even if you don’t have Gold Membership, click here for more information
It looks like the first game for April is going to be Hitman: Absolution.
The April 16th Game is going to be: Deadlight
For those who don’t know what Deadlight is, it’s a apocalyptic zombie game. It looks like for April we’ve been given two really good titles. Thanks Microsoft!
So what will the Games With Gold for April 2014 be for Xbox 360? We have no clue yet, but we’ll post here as soon as we find out.
So, last month I put my trust into someone who claimed to have good information. Sadly, I was let down, so this month we’re going to wait to post the games until they are 100% verified as the real deal.
However, we are always open to conversation, so what do you think the games for April are going to be for Games With Gold?
I’m in love with the idea that Batman Arkham Asylum could be coming in the future, although I have read that people think that games like Minecraft, The Amazing Spider-Man(part 1), and Dark Souls may be coming to games with gold in the future. I can’t imagine that Dark Souls will show up, same with Minecraft, as sales on those are still really good. Likely to see the Amazing Spider-Man come out for free after part 2 comes out in the theater.
It’s really hard to say what’s gonna happen, but we’ll see. If you have any ideas, thoughts or comments, leave them below and if I like them we’ll share them on Facebook and Twitter with our followers!
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I just wanted to say thank you guys for pointing out that Dark Souls was available for free at some point in the past. I don’t have the exact date. But just wanted to say thanks for helping. Everything you guys post is read and appreciated. Make sure to check out the rest of the site as well while you’re here, we have some really good contributors and they have posted some really awesome articles. This site will be changing to bring everyone a much better experience in the future as well, so be sure to stay with us. Thank you again!
The rumor FLYING around the internet is that the two games are going to be Saints Row 2 and Terraria. Will this make you guys happy if this is true? Or do you think we expect something better?! Let us know in the comments below OR make sure to Like us on Facebook to join in the Games With Gold conversation AND know the games as soon as they’re posted!
Another big rumor is that Ride to Hell: Retribution and Assassins Creed 3 will be the 2 games for April, we’re not for sure but make sure to follow us on Twitter @TheNerdiot to stay up to date with what is going on!
I’m hoping it’s another game on par with Civ Rev. Meaning, that it is technically a great game, but for some reason, many people missed it at launch. This gives the game new life, and new audience! I hope it isn’t something popular like batman arkahm. Diablo 3 would be a good one, imo. Even DC vs Mortal Kombat, or even the Mortal Kombat reboot.
I am hoping for a fighting game this month!
I would love to see a fighting game as well, something like Soul Calibur 4. I wasn’t a fan of the Civilization games and really didn’t touch them at all until it was free at the beginning of this month.
I don’t think D3 will be a free game, not for quite some time, especially with a new expansion coming out this month and a retail still ranging between $49.99 and $59.99 at most places.
I like it that they do the arcade games, Dungeon Defenders might actually be good and that was something I did miss out on along the way as I have with many arcade games.
seria muito bom se botassem jogos fps,multiplayer como team fortress 2,ou jogos em mundo aberto que sem duvida muitas pessoas gostam
I would love to see banjo kazooie and banjo tooie the Xbox reboots just so kids who never saw them can get a taste of some good classics are like for gold that and I would love to see an older bioshock sometime
Banjo-Tooie is free in Xbox Live Brazil, in place of Dungeon Defenders.
I hope its nothing like civs i love stratagy games but not in video game form on the consol and as for diablo 3 it would be great but unlikely plus popular games is what most xboxers want its the only real thing xbox still has over playstation.
Im pretty sure playstation gives out more than 2 free games a month and they are newer games too like assassains creed 4 and games like that
playstaton dosent have newer games
But if you give up your psn membership, then you cant use the games.
The playstation members get more games but they don’t get to keep them either like on xbox you keep the download
In response to your PlayStation comment I have this to say, at least when you stop paying for gold you can still play and use the games you got for free from the games with gold scheme. Unlike PlayStation who will only allow you to play the free games as long as you are still a PlayStation plus subscriber, if you like PlayStation go talk about PlayStation stuff on a PlayStation related post your comment is just an attempt to create a fan boy war between Sony fans and Microsoft fans. Both companies are doing what they believe is in the best interest of there company and therefore rewarding there consumers in a way they think will benefit them
He was just making a point. And Xbox does the same thing with other features. Ever try to use Netflix with a silver membership? No you haven’t, because you have to be a gold subscriber to use a service you already pay for. Odds are you probably aren’t going to be playing dungeon defenders a year from now, even if you’re still paying for a gold membership. At least with PlayStation they put out more than 2 decent games a month. I am a proud Xbox owner but you have to admit that Microsoft is quick to bone you whenever they can.I mean,they haven’t even dropped the price of the subscription since the Xbox came out. It may have been worth 60 dollars back in 2002 but not anymore. The only reason people still buy it is because you can’t play online without it.
1. Microsoft is still providing you with free games so I am not sure where you get off saying that they are boning you every chance they get. In this world where cash is king anything you will actually use and can receive for free give you a comparative advantage over those who can not acquire said goods or services for free.
2. Your logic about why gold should cost less now is flawed. The price of a gold subscription should have gone up over time due to inflation and market trends, mirroring the price increase in games. When xbox live first came out gold subscriptions for one year and new games retailed at $50.00 US. Both now retail for $60.00 US, an increase of 20%, which seems steep at first, but once you consider the fact that price tend to increase by 3% every year and xbox live has been around since 2001…. you really have no room to complain.
I hope to something like blackops are blackops2 not something that’s old like civil people don’t miss them they dis don’t download them people hate old they want buy them what makes y thank they going to play them we don’t like civil are old no body play online so do better
Burnout Paradise and some sort of fighting game. Maybe The King Of Fighters. I haven’t seen a racing game be released for free yet, nor have any fighting ones either. I’m really hoping for a racing title though. Dedicated car fan here
Actually sleeping dogs is considered a fighting game.
By who? Yes it has fighting in it, but when people say “fighting game” they typically mean the head to head, side camera “fighters” like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, Killer Instinct, etc.
Yes! I’m in total agreement. At least they should give us that Mortal Kombat reboot. Then again they’re still many other titles and genres. Left 4 Dead 2 is tons of fun.
I would love to see Burnout Paradise, a friend of mine had it when it first came out and I was in love with it, I would also like to see a game along the lines of Skyrim, more of a free roam.
La verdad cuando vi que publicarÃan el Civ Revolution, yo pensé que menuda mierda de juego! pero luego dije bueno en fin es gratis lo descargare y lo jugare, pues les cuento que me he pasado desvelos y horas bien merecidas hacia ese juego la verdad es una pasada, no tiene nada que envidiarle a un AoE ! lo digo en serio siendo yo un gran fan de AoE
I can def see arkham asylum being one since theyve started working on the 4th and final game of the series but i would rlly like to see alan wake, gta 4, and max payne 3. Just my opinion but i think the dust has settled on these games(especially gta 4) and should have a second life and can be experienced by those who passed up on them in the first place(especially alan wake).
Alan Wake was already done for free a few months back. GTA IV would be great to have. I know it won’t be for awhile but I’d prefer to see Arkham Origins on there, just because I passed it up when I saw that Rocksteady wasn’t making it.
In which country was Alan Wake free a few months ago?
alan wake was not free for the US market..
and it definitely wasn’t free here in the uk
oh, I know that for sure. I want to know where and when it was free.
Alan Wake was on sale for $5 last summer in the US, that might be where the confusion stems from
Arkham Origins? For free? You must be high, that game’s only a few months old.
Max Payne 3 is on sale right now for $5 on the XBL marketplace.
Fallout 3 is perfect it’s relatively old it’s £11.99 on the store and it’s considered a classic among many people plus it has about 5 expansions all available on xbox store
I would also like to see fallout 3. Fallout was always fun and exciting on every account. I’m glad someone has a good taste of games and what games should be free.
I would like to see a batman game, considering i just bought to copies of Fallout 3 GoTY for $15.00 usd each and oblivion.
Considering its april fools day they will play with that, maybe joker or maybe deadpool.
Please be Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection or Mortal Kombat 9.
I would like to see some old school MK showing up, it has to be cheap enough and out of the spotlight enough now to be ok to be free. We’ll see though. MK9 from 2011 would be nice too, especially with a sequel coming soon they shouldn’t have a problem with that.
honestly, i’d love to see Dantes Inferno, Black Ops, MW2, or even one of the Spider-Man or Bat-Man games appear on the games of the month for sometime in the future, although Fall Out 3 or something related show up
It should be Tekken 6, Saints Row2 or saints row3
Dishonoured would be a interesting one! State of decay would be another I would like to have or even raven them games are really pricey for a acade game that has no real hype tbh… DMC or a horror game like dead space 2 wouldn’t be a bad idea! Too many to pick.
Would be AWESOME but highly unlikely since it was just featured on sale like a week ago
It stinks that there are so many GOOD ones to choose from, yet they give us games that aren’t that great. We’ve seen great games show up(Dead Island, Halo, etc) but it seems that there are so many games in between those that aren’t that great. I personally don’t mind the arcade games, but they could at least choose a decent arcade game. Tomorrow we’ll be seeing Dungeon Defenders for the March games with gold.. I have never played this one, I looked at some gameplay videos and it may not be THAT bad. Will know soon though.
One game which I’ve been praying would come out for free is Halo Wars. It was hyped up a lot before it was released but a lot less people got it than expected. It would mainly be fun to face new opponents in the games multiplayer.
Everyone tells me Halo Wars sucks and is not anywhere near as good as it could have been.
Dead Island Riptide sure seens to have bottomed out already. Not sure I want it but it could show up. How about a good racing game? From the Need for Speed or Burnout series? Cool thing about those is it’s not the same game everytime. One mistake changes a lot.
They won’t do a retail game thats that new, no matter how badly it performed. Sorry.
Not to mention they just did Dead Island
Just heard some news for April 2014 it might be saints row and state of decay
Just heard some news it might be saints row and terraria
First one is wrong sorry wasn’t thinking
Basicly i think a batman game should be free like a injustice game for say its top played by many people current and multiplayer experience great for those with brothers and sisters dragon ball z would be another it came along way 1996-2014 trust me high schoolers and kids will love it i grew up with it so i would suggest action games would be your next months game dont you like them and shouldn’t the game publisher deserve it
I think that some of the older FPSs are possible like COD 4 or battlefield 2 bad company. Or maybe even older ones like battlefield 1942 with mp and stuff. They came out ages ago (even bf2 and it’s still considered relatively new. EA takes about 6-8 years per bf game, meaning bf2 should be considered). I also like the the gta4 and saints row 2 idea. But what about those lesser known titles that were super hyped then died off like the saboteur or blazing angels 1 and 2.
The Saboteur is easily one of the most overlooked games on the 360. Unfortunately it will never be a Games With Gold title cause it isn’t available On Demand.
I hope it is COD WAW or maybe Assassin’s Creed 1 or some other good classic.
AC 2 was free awhile ago….doubt that they will do another AC game….AC 3, brotherhood, or Revolution would be awesome!! I heard it was going to be either Saint’s Row 2, or Batman Arkham Asylum…Personally, I hope so, SR 2 had a physical disc problem, after buying at least 3 copies…all went to crap, but I still have both digital add-ons, Batman AA would go great with my Batman AC, loved that game….waiting to get Batman Arkham Orgins!!
i hope a game will come out in april that is still fun after 10 minutes
i dont care what we get as long as its not another damn tower defense game but preferably either alan wake or a good fighting game like marvel vs capcom or mortal kombat
I hope games like diablo 2 and witcher. Also i hope Oblivion and saints row Come out. But i also wish games like dragon ball or marvel Vs capcom 3. Or bayonetta. And one good arcarde game is Half minute hero super neo climax boy.
Yes freakin oblivion I was wondering if anyone else thought that would be awesome
Oblivion was just on sale for $3.75 doubt they will make it free anytime soon.
Or one of the old Final Fantasys like FF V or FF VI
I love how people just recommend games that aren’t even available on Xbox Live Marketplace. You can play FF5 and FF6 for free, easily. Just download an SNES and GBA emulator.
Im sorry. I have got played The FF series to FF X.Then I stopped playing. I only think game V was The best. But FF would be cool, wouldn’t it?
I’d like to see a good racer, like forza. The midnight club that was release wasn’t really a good realistic racer. I downloaded it mainly because it was mapped out like GTA 5 (for the most part). One of the needs for speed would be nice.
I‘d love GTA IV and Saints Row 2 or 3 in GwG, they‘re nice but almost forgotten games.
Maybe a fighting game like Mortal Kombat.
Anything good but Shitty arcade games that you can buy for less than 10 bucks
like Microsoft did last month with Toy Soldiers CW, they just wasted a spot for a game that could bring the attention to the Xbox gamers
Dark Souls was already released for free a couple months ago.
When was dark souls free?? I only missed two games on the games with gold , fable 3 and assassins creed 2..i don’t remember dark souls!!
I’m having a hard time finding a solid date. I’ve found a couple forums where they say it was free during December, and a few others that say November, but I can’t find an official statement or anything so I’m not sure if it was or when it was to be honest.
I think those people are messing with you or just don’t know what they are talking about.
I can personally guarantee you that if it was ever released for free it was NOT here in North America. I know every North American GwG release.
too much garbage online, I contributed once to that lol. Never gonna happen again until the facts are straight though =P but yea, I think it’s just one of those miss understandings or people just talking what they talk.. I would still like to think that Dark Souls is going to be free on xbox, but we’ll see I guess lol I know I’ve been doing the games with gold since Fable 3 was put up, and haven’t seen Dark Souls during this time so I kind of figured it was all just rumors and gossip. It’s amazing how easily twisted this topic is.
Yea man, it could very well be they were talking about a different country. But I know Dark Souls was never free here in North America. People are saying Alan Wake has already been free as well, but once again, I know for a fact that was not here in North America. I’ve been really wanting Alan Wake to be a free game, too.
There are so many fantastic games that could be free on games with gold. Personally, I would like to see a COD game like black ops 1 or modern warfare 2. Those are some of my favorite shooting games. They could also put a fun game like dark souls in. I don’t want any more tower defense games except for that I want to try out terraria (May be coming out.) Far Cry 3 would also be extremely fun and a Saints row game would be great. (I heard that one of those may be coming out) A lego game would also be fun and maybe Skyrim. Another Assassin’s Creed and Jurassic the Hunted. NO!!! kinect games. They could also put Portal or any sports game. (Preferably basketball(NBA)) Another Halo cause I missed out on the offer and another racing game. Gears of War would rock or a battle field game. (hopefully 3) Crisis 2 or 1 and payday 2 or just cause 2. Red Dead Redemption and Fallout New Vegas. Dead rising or prototype 1 or 2. Maybe even dead island riptide because I love to play zombies!!
i want just cause 2 very much!!!
Japan had Just Cause 2 when we had Sleeping Dogs.
does it mean “they wont give it”???
It means it is extremely unlikely. It has never been done before where they release a game free for one country at a certain time then the same game for another country later. The only reason they give different games for different regions is because not every game is available in every region. There was most likely a problem with offering Sleeping Dogs to Japan so they gave them Just Cause 2 instead.
Why would you want ANOTHER Assassins Creed, Halo or Gears to go up for free? Lots of franchises is better than releasing multiple games from the same franchise over and over. That would be so lame if they did another Halo or Gears.
I would love to have one of the payday series
I think they should throw the first payday into a slot seeing as most people didnt know it existed until the second came out.
since the original Payday is only for PS3 that would be kind of difficult.
i wanna see them do metro 2033
Metro 2033 was already a GWG for Germany when Dead Island was free for everyone else. I kind of doubt they will release it again.
Hopefully gta iv or saints row 3 or even hitman absolution also saints row 2 would be good
I just hope they don’t put a game I already own on there lol. But a saints row game and another assassins creed game would be cool. The first time I played assassins creed was when part 2 came out free, and it surprised me. Didn’t expect to enjoy it. I’ve been hearing rumors about a bat man game but it’s all just hear say. I guess we will see on the 1st.
I would just like to say who ever has xbox360 which most if u do who has dragonball z battle of z and if u do i would like to trade my super saiyan vegeto for super saiyan bardock if u have code add me on xbox Smashbuddie187
No bogus real deal also i prefer fighting games and shooters but fighting is more for these days
Hey man, this is Shadow from over at Games with Gold Facebook page. I saw that you have Amazing Spider-Man up as a potential Games with Gold game. You would probably be interested to know that Activision lost their Marvel licenses at the beginning of this year and didn’t renew them so they removed all Activision Marvel games from every digital Marketplace including XBL, PSN, Steam etc. That is why they kept putting the Deadpool, wolverine and Spider Man games on sale repeatedly near the end of last year.
In addition, I saw in your update people told you Dark Souls was already free. I know PSN+ had it for free back in 2013. When and where was it free for GWG?
dark souls never was free. i have every GwG game and dark souls was not included in any of them. now i do know it was on sale for like a couple bucks on time i think during december but it was never included in the GwG. please have just been giving false information like crazy on here.
Yea man, I am 100% positive that Dark Souls and Alan Wake were never part of Games With Gold here in North America. If they were ever free I am curious to know when that was and in which countries.
Im looking at the amazing spiderman on xbox live marketplace for 39.99 so those people were wrong
is it still really that much on there? I just picked that game up for 19.99 at a local store a couple weeks ago, not on sale either. It’s shocking how much a game can cost on there compared to the stores.
My guesses of the day are: Trials HD, Trials Evolution, Crysis 1/2, Bioshock.
we arent going to get games like these cause they worth too much
None of the game he mentioned are worth more than $20. So they are all possibilities but god I hope they never make any of the Trials game part of the program. They have pawned enough horrid arcade games off onto us and called it a favor. However I wouldn’t mind Crysis or Crysis 2. I have always wanted to check the series out, just not bad enough to actually buy it.
I definitely liked dungeon defenders so im hoping we get some kind of fps this month like payday: the heist
You say we aren’t going to get Trials, Crysis or Bioshock cause they “cost too much” but they are only $20 at the most. The you recommend Payday The Heist which is a $35 game. Yea, you make a lot of sense.
the first saints row only cuz its the only one i don’t have or even far cry and as for the arcade game maybe a good turn base rpg
The first Saints Row is the only one not available On Demand so that will never happen. If you can find a copy at Gamestop though its only like $4-$5 used.
My guesses are bioshock(awesome)borderlands1 maybe 2(awesome) dragon age origins or 2(Eehhh)
Or fallout new Vegas(awesome) or just a heaping pile of crap(hydro thunder(actually good but not for this)or splosion man or the maw) *shudder
I just hope it’s not another Tower Defense game. Has long has its not I won’t care.
finally someone who feels the way I do about the plethora of tower defense games they have decided to give us. Who the fuck is asking for all these tower d games? Who even likes tower d that friggin much and who thought it would be a good idea to give us pretty much every tower d game available on Xbox Arcade. That is enough with the goddamn tower defense. That genre sucks ass, please stop MS.
Gta 4 and fallout hopefully no silly arcade games
i think not sure if anybody else agrees but i think this april on gold you should do resident evil 4 i think the people will like that.
I agree, I was thinking RE5 would be a good release. RE4 HD would be a good Arcade release and then they could have a normal game. I’m not sure how much RE4 is on the market but either way, a resident evil game would be good. I have 4 on gamecube still, but the 360 port would be nice to have for free considering I’ve already bought the game once.
What they need to do is release an old school game set, like they sometimes do with these “arcade collections”, such as the sega collection with the sonic games, alien storm, etc. Honestly, even if it’s not free for a couple weeks, I’d pay for it if they’d just release a good compilation of games.
Skyrim would be absolutely amazing to see but I highly doubt it.
skyrim is free with the xbox for the most part. so it could be a possibility in my opinion
What if for April Fool’s day they put out the world’ scrappiest game… then immediately changed it. How would you guys respond to that?
I would love to see dark souls and alan wake, im sick of getting all these bull shit arcade games. Some more awesome ones would be, forza (always wanted a good racing game but would never buy one with the other games available), gears 2, and some others i cant seem to remember now but yeah i would LOVE to see Alan wake, please bring it, i cant wake for alan wake 2!
I think one of the games should be Dark Souls
well i would like a FPS and a racing game next month like forza, need for speed, call of duty, flashpoint
it should be one of these belters black ops la noire or mafia 2
There are lots of games I’d like to see on GWG, but I think something like Far Cry 2 might be a possibility, although I’d prefer to see Far Cry 3. As far as the arcade game, I imagine its about time for a Worms game. There are a) a lot of them, b) they have lots of DLC, and c) they fit the profile of a multiplayer heavy game. As a bonus, they’ve also been on sale on PS a good bit lately, which indicates the publisher is/was interested in getting the games out there and may believe they’ve already maximized all profits from some of them. A newer game that might fit the bill would be Monaco: What’s Yours Is Mine. I understand sales on console were but a small percentage of total sales - mostly it sold on PC - and again perhaps the publisher might consider “gifting” it to players to encourage positive (and co-op heavy) online play and word-of-mouth to increase exposure. And although it would be incredibly unusual to see a top-selling game given away, I wonder if a game like Trials HD would fit the bill this month, seeing as Trials Fusion will be out on April 6th. That only makes sense if it was gifted in the 1st half of the month, though.
Dark souls is one of the worst games I’ve ever played but that is my opinion I hope it isn’t one of the free games in the future PlayStation seems to be the console to get for the quality of free games so why is Xbox struggling to keep up with Sony
Dark souls is one of the most beloved games available on the 360/ps3/pc you just suck at the game which is why you hate it.
I would kill for a Forza Horizon being free. Probably one of my favorite racing games out there.
im hopeing its a resident evil game orc 5 i just want to play re5 mercanaries with friends
the games that i think should be free with gold april should be either…
April 1st - April 15th
GTA IV (7 Years ago GTA IV would’ve been released and it deserves to be a free with gold game)
Fallout 3 / New Vegas (Fallout is a great game series :D)
EA Sports Game (FIFA, Madden ect… bound to be at least one EA Sports game)
Dark Souls (To show people who haven’t played Dark Souls, why its so hard, and upon Dark Souls II been released in March, being a success)
Resident Evil 4 (The Only Good Resident Evil Game)
Oblivion (This is one of the Xbox 360′s best RPG)
Call of Duty Game (This is Microsoft’s “Big Shooter”, yes, i know, Activision publish and Infinity Ward/Treyarch develop but Microsoft tell us to buy it loads, Probably CoD 4 or WaW would be good)
Alan Wake (The game we have all been wanting to be put as a Free with Gold game)
Far Cry 2/3 (FarCry 2 is a game that didn’t get so much sells on launch and it would be great to revive this amazing game, but FarCry 3 would be great as it has been known as one of the best games ever made, its very unlikely for FarCry 3, but the chances is possible)
April 16th - April 30th
Alan Wake: American Nightmare (If not Full Alan Wake, why not the Arcade version or as some call, it a sequel)
CastleStorm (It is a amazing tower defence game, one that you would rarely get)
A Duke Nukem Arcade Game (Chew gum and kick ass, enough said ;))
FarCry Classic (The game that gave birth to a amazing game series)
Arcade Mortal Kombat (We haven’t had a fighting game and Mortal Kombat would be a great game)
Battlefield 1943 (Probably one of the best Online Only games on the Xbox 360, would be great for free)
State of Decay (The first proper open-world game on arcade and the best zombie survival game on arcade, maybe the Xbox itself)
Games that probably won’t be put on Free with Gold
Minecraft (It has lots of sales, so unlikely it will get anywhere, and it is the most expensive arcade game, State of Decay has a chance for it not having as much sales, Minecraft has over 10 million!)
Skyrim (Price and sales)
A Aliens Game (Not very good, and won’t be successful)
Kinect Game (Not everyone has it)
if you just go back in time a bit you can see that some of the games with gold were platinum hits games(AC2, halo 3, dead island) so we shoul be expecting anotherone on the upcoming months, thats the reason i think fallout 3 is a great option besides from that the other ones might be arcades and they have a lot to pick from, would love to see trials or terraria
Honestly after reading ppls comments and judgeing from all past games with gold games I gotta tell most these ppl that their in for a real let down. Most likely games for gold games at this point would be viva pinata or gta4 or kameo. Those games are way more in line with what has been games for gold games……in the U.S. anyway, idk about other countries. And speaking of which I’d also like to point out that where it says here that dark souls was free at some point with games with gold is incorrect…..atleast here in America it was never 1 of the games and that’s going all the way back to the start of games with gold.
Honestly I think we will probably see borderland (the first one) here pretty soon because it was a great game that me and my friends still play but nobody else really does. It would make sense if you look at the games they have already made free, though I would love to see Arkham Asylum or a fallout game, I would also love to see Alan wake because I want to buy it but have been hesitant due to the fact I think it will go free in the near future.
I think that it should be “Mw3″ as it is a great game and its an old title but great game most gamers would of played it one time or another!
i agree with dylan modern warfare three would be a swagy game….sub to my youtube channel “stinky1dog”
I was so excited when games with gold came out, just to be let down month after month. I bought a ps3 and ps plus and am currently playing borderlands 2, payday 2, uncharted 3, tomb raider, bioshock infinite, brothers and a few others for free. For $5 a month ps plus kicks games with golds ass, give us something good for a change microsoft…
I hope it is another Assassin’s Creed game. I was never really into them until I play the 2nd when it was free and I really enjoyed it.
I would love a bad company game 1/2 and Battlestations Pacific or maybe Sniper Elite v2. They are some fun games that a lot of people don’t know about. Well minus BFBC.
I bet borderlands will come in the future. It would be smart considering all the dlc and the fact that it is a great game. I could just see “Borderland Free With Gold” then the Psycho on the cover. What do y’all think?
Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes. To expensive for a demo.
I would like another civilization game as of sadly I missed it just got my membership at end of march but I would be extremely happy with grand theft auto five
I think Dead Rising 2 and Dead or Alive 4 would be the best thing to put for free because both of them u can have fun online with plus its tons of downloadable content you can get and The xbox live community will go crazy over them games both of them are great games both of them u can play offline with and matter of fact xbox always throw free games out there without even notice the only down fall is when u download u have to have gold to play them But xbox 360 is a good gaming system One of the Call of Duty would be fun but sometimes its really a good ideal forreal if u think about and another game i would love to see is a UFC game of MMA gameiI’m i big fan of that type of sport but anyway that’s all i got to say and add me on Xbox Live DreadHead Wolf type it in just like that
Dead Rising 2 was all ready Free.I would love to see a see a fighting game with Games With Gold. I heard rumors that April’s Games With Gold will be Saints Row 2 and Terraria
I think they need to put a racing like split second because everybody plays the multiplayer demo instead of the real game and its cheap. I wouldve have recommended blur but its not on the marketplace and that racing game was really fun but didnt sell well. And as for an arcade put street fighter 3rd strike or mk arcade collection. What do you think?
Hopefully SR2 and Burnout Paradise
i would rather have saints row 3,the frist two games felt like GTA san andreas rip offs
I personally would love to see the frist Dragon Ball Raging Blast game and maybe something on the lines of Dark Souls as i really wish to play that game,But mainly Raging Blast!
This is just a rumor but I’ve seen online and on YouTube videos that Saints row 2 and terarria are the next possible games with gold deals.
What if its the walking dead survival game or resident evil the first saints row would be cool or doom or fear
i hope to god that dark souls is one really want to play it
Ride to Hell: Retribution? That may be the worst game I’ve ever played in my entire life, so it makes sense it would be something Microsoft will release for Games With Gold.
heard its going to be hitman absolution..
just a rumor still not fully confirmed and if its true i aint happy good game an all but i already finished it and they should have gone with something better.